Education is definitely important. Today, its requirements are very high. Whereas a high school diploma used to be sufficient, recruiters now expect a college degree. Many are realizing that they need to supplement their education, whether they like it or not. There is also pressure on teenagers to learn well and go to college. If that doesn\’t work out, parents take comfort in the fact that their children can complete their education remotely.
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Comparing full-time vs. part-time

The question certainly arises as to which form of education is superior. The dilemma of full-time versus combined .
Full-time learning– is full-time learning. While many young people are not keen on full-time study because they want to earn money and not be dependent on their parents, it is true that if they are truly deeply interested in their studies, full-time forms are most advantageous. All of this contributes greatly to developing true competence in the field. Becoming a college-educated professional is essentially a full-time job. Thus, students must work part-time for the time being and persevere.
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Combined learning– i.e. distance learning. Self-study is especially important, since the course is based on significantly reduced attendance. Naturally, lecturers cannot devote much time to students, so the pace of lectures is generally very fast. Learners clearly feel cheated because they know they must acquire the necessary information on their own. It is a tax on certain freedoms. It is a compromise. On the other hand, the learner is not an academic, but a practicing expert, studying to confirm the skills and knowledge he has already acquired.

— 19 December 2022