Five ways to become greenerI don\’t want you to think that the path to a greener way of life necessarily means a drastic change in your life that will cause you to stop using the things you are used to. Today, here are a few tips to help you protect nature so that it doesn\’t interfere with your life.plast, odpad
1) Compost
If you don\’t want to throw away your leftover fruits and vegetables, you can make a compost pile in your garden. It will eliminate waste and give you something to grow, preventing disposable items that can still be used.
2) Don\’t use plastic
Use paper bags instead of plastic bags, paper or metal straws instead of traditional straws, and have your own bottle for water. It saves money, reduces waste, and contributes to health. In addition, one can purchase reusable cloth bags, so-called “full sacks,” in which to put fruits and vegetables.
3) Everything is homemade
You can make lip balm, face masks, shampoo, and anything else you can think of at home. You can find lots of tutorials online. You can get a good idea of what goes into a product and be original. Most are made from natural ingredients and may be more effectivestrom, příroda
4) Eat what you eat
Don\’t overeat. It\’s not healthy, it\’s not cheap, and it won\’t make others eat more often. Don\’t be selfish; eat as much as you think you can eat. If you want to eat more, add more. Of course, you cannot choose your portion completely at a restaurant, but you can have your food wrapped up or eat as a couple.
5) Women
Stop refilling your monthly napkin or tampon and switch to a menstrual cup. They cost about 500 CZK and can be used for 10 years, which is a significant savings.
Also, hormonal contraception is not an environmentally friendly solution. For example, urine in the water kills fish. Condoms are excellent in that they do not contain hormones, but they are disposable and therefore generate waste. Therefore, the ideal solution is the pessary, which lasts for two years, does not smell during sex, and also saves money.

— 18 October 2021